Urru ed altri due cooperanti spagnoli (Ainhoa Fernandez de Rincon, dell’Associazione amici del popolo saharawi, e Enric Gonyalons, dell’organizzazione spagnola Mundobat) sono stati rapiti da uomini armati, arrivati a bordo di diversi pick-up. Dalla notte del sequestro non si hanno avuto notizie di Rossella Urru fino al mese di dicembre quando un gruppo dissidente dell’Aqmi (Jamat Tawhid Wal Jihad Fi Garbi Afriqqiya ) ha rivendicato il rapimento.
Algeria. E’ lì che Rossella Urru, 29 anni, cooperante SARDA italiana, è stata rapita. In quelle terre devastate da guerra e miseria, Rossella si occupava di rifornimenti alimentari per il campo profughi Saharawi di Rabuni traboccante di donne e bambini allo stremo.
Da TROPPI giorni è nelle loro mani...Qualche tg regionale dopo l'invasione dei link che tutti voi avete condiviso, ha deciso di parlarne, non è molto, ma almeno un'inizio...
But while the presidential candidates and the media Senegalese have flared with an endless series of assertions and denials surprising.
Wade's supporters after declaring that he won the first round, have recognized the opportunity to compete for the second round against Macky Sall and then dig into a worried silence in front of some electoral projections indicate that the three political formations led by Macky Sall, Moustapha Niasse, and Ousmane Dieng tanor among the favorites for the ballot.
If so, the defeat of Wade in the first round would be catastrophic.
It 'still too early to endorse one of the many rumors that circulate in these crazy hours.
Despite several incidents of fraud (the most striking recorded to date occurred in Podor where Dieynaba Sory Bâ, an active militant of the PDS, was arrested on the morning of February 26, the day of elections, electoral cards with 90) presidential election were performed "acceptably". As of yesterday, witnessing the release of initial findings and the current trend shows the likely runoff between incumbent President Abdoulaye Wade and Macky Sall, although within the government, small branches insist frustrated not to believe.
Yesterday afternoon, in a bizarre press conference lasted 10 minutes the same Wade said he is ready to run-off if the final election results will confirm this.
To some political analysts and observers this ballot has many unknowns; of the clearest and politics is not merely as it will affect voters' choices, beyond their political affiliation, age, and therefore the prospect of remaining in office for All the presidential term of the two contenders. A question is not irrelevant given the age of 50 years of Macky Sall who defies the eighty-Wade.
Have already started negotiations between the forces of opposition alliance to ensure broad and practical support to Macky Sall for the ballot. The hypothesis that some of the other 12 candidates can ally with Wade at the last minute, after a campaign carried the banner of a single slogan repeated by all the "Go Wade," the dead, the wounded, the arrests and clashes seems inconsistent, besides being a political suicide for anyone to dare wicked deal.
From hour to hour we await the publication of official results. For the time were counted, only 2.4% of the seats (304 of 12555 http://senelection.org), the regions of Matam and Kedougou has not yet received anything at all and all Senegalese are watching closely, and some apprehension for fear of "forcing" you might get a surprise defeat by government officials.
Everyone remembers the rumors disclosed more than a year and a half ago by Serigne Mbacke Ndiaye, the current spokesman of President Wade, who had declared his party colleagues, "We must do everything to win the next presidential election otherwise it'll all end up in prison" .
In the night between 22 and 23 October Scarlett
Urru and two other cooperating Spanish (Ainhoa Fernandez de Rincon, friends of the Association of the Saharawi people, and Enric Gonyalons, Spanish Mundobat organization) were abducted by armed men, arrived on board several pick-up. From the night of the kidnapping have not heard of Scarlett Urru until December, when a dissident group dell'Aqmi (Jamat Tawhid Wal Jihad Fi Garbi Afriqqiya) claimed responsibility for the kidnapping.
Algeria. That 's where Urru Scarlett, 29, cooperating SARDA Italian, was kidnapped. In those lands ravaged by war and poverty, Scarlett was in charge of food supplies for the Saharawi refugee camp of Rabuni overflowing with women and children are overwhelmed.
Too many days is in their hands ... Some regional news after the invasion of links that you all have shared, he decided to talk, not much, but at least a beginning ...